Attended an online bootcamp
Ux research
used figjam

Memorisely - UX Research Live class 2

In this class, we learnt about surveys, when it can be used. This all depends on the goal. If we want to get many results in a short span of time. If our questions require quantitative response, then surveys can prove to be a better fit.

We learnt about the type of questions to ask during surveys - mostly close-ended and 2 or 3 open-ended since having majority of open-ended would guarantee people dropping out from responding. We learnt how to structure a survey - by providing an intro, the rest of questions, thank you.

In the final module, we learnt about competitor benchmarking. We looked into what direct competitors and indirect ones do, how to evaluate our competitions (swot analysis, usability review)

We touched upon generative and evaluative resrearch.