used figjam
Used dovetail
Created an affinity map

Meetup with partner

We completed the sub-groupings for the remaining categories like
  1.  procedural (divided based on interview and survey responses),
  2.  golden pain point, 
  3. emotions (negative, positive), 
  4. stress level, 
  5. way of handling stress (Actively incorporate meditation as part of handling stress, other way of handling stress), 
  6. experience (negative, positive, neutral), 
  7. service (positive  service experience , negative service experience), 
  8. attitude (favorable towards meditation, not favorable towards meditation, neutral attitude), 
  9. frequency of meditation (frequent meditators vs non-frequent ones), 
  10. barriers (key barriers, no barriers), 
  11. applications used by participants (for meditation vs other ways to relax), 
  12. cause of stress, 
  13. demographics (new to meditation, practiced meditation before), 
  14. observations, 
  15. start of meditation (recent meditators vs non-recent meditators (5+ months))

Had some takeaways where we should have asked survey users about the cause of stress. We should have interpreted the Likert scale so that all participants and we are in the same page of the definition of the scales, since Likert is subjective (since we could not group the stress level group further).