Watched a Presentation

Memorisely talk: Portfolio 101 part 1

My key takeaways:
- It is fine to code the portfolio but unless it is for a developer role, better to save time and depend on another website editor since our portfolios are being judged for product design role.
- When creating a portfolio, try not to create too many links within a link as the hiring manager can get frustrated in the rabbit hole.
- Contact details, about me, your selling point should be at the top since that is point where they can find you (Top nav)
- About me should answer: What is important to you as a person? What are your interests, quirks? Having some interest in common can make the difference in getting the job/interview
- Don't overshare. Don't necessarily show everything in a portfolio, hold something back. How would you explain to your grandma? Or what your project? This has to get past recruiter (they look for checklists) . A short concise is better than giving an 8m worth of info. You will basically be repeating everything and be asked tough questions which you do not want to answer. 
- Don't be hampered by software. They can be expensive and hard to maintain.