Learned Full Stack development
Completed a bootcamp
Worked with a team
Used React.js
YouTube.Live  is an webapp that provides access to resources pertaining to live concert events such as artist, venue, and location information, and video content of previously recorded live performances on YouTube. 

Users can:
  • Watch videos of musical performances and concert events.
  • Get information on favorites artists and venues
  • Search for upcoming live events throughout United States.
  • Save favorite artists and venues to dashboard for multiple sessions.
Technologies : 
  • ReactJS A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
  • NodeJS open-source, cross-platform, JavaScript runtime environment.
  • ExpressJS Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for node.
  • React Bulma components front end css framework.
  • YouTube Data API v3 HTTP requests for Live Music Videos.
  • SeatGeek API Platform HTTP requests for information on live concert events, artists, and locations