Founded a charity
Hosted an Event
Engaged in activism
Inspired by my grandfather's aunt, Judge Mary O'Toole (see who founded the Women's City Club of Washington, D.C. in 1919, I organised an event for women in research and academia on Tuesday 7th March 2017 to celebrate International Women's Week. The discussion focused on the experiences of women in academia and research, including topics such as: imposter syndrome, visibility of female experts in the public, parenting while working on research contracts (maternity leave, child care, etc.).

This event was a huge success, which prompted me to organise a series of seminars for women (and other under-represented groups, including genderfluid and non-binary people) in the research and academic community, with the support of Trinity Centre for Gender Equality and Leadership. Seminar topics have included research communication to non-scientific audiences, the representation of women in politics, and the position of women as experts in the media.

The appetite for these seminars has been such that I, with the support of some other early career researchers, established a Women In Research Ireland group to ensure the longevity of the event programme. See the WIRI Twitter account ( and the WIRI website ( for updates.