Saiyam Pathak
  • @saiyampathak

Hi there, I am Saiyam Pathak, CNCF/Traefik/Portainer Ambassador, CK{A,AD,S} certified, Influx Ace. Currently, working as Director of Technical Evangelism at Civo with a focus on defining the Civo cloud platform for simplifying Kubernetes and making it accessible for developers. When not coding, I contribute to the community by writing blogs and organizing local meetups for k8s, rancher, Influx, CNCF.

I run a Youtube Channel where I do cloud native live streams with awesome people. Do not forget to check out and smash that subscribe button.

My Twitter is the place where I post random tweets about tech and motivation.

I do Twitch streams where I explore cloud native tools live and then upload those to my youtube as well. Do not forget to follow as they are completely raw and from scratch and I debug things LIVE!

I am an author at Gumroad where I wrote a book on Kubernetes CKS certification that helps you to prepare for Kubernetes CKsScertification.

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