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This book was hard to read but also hard to put down.

My journey as a woman in tech was a rollercoaster ride that started with a thrilling adrenaline rush and a high sense of achievement but as the years passed on, and as I became a mother, the ride only got steeper and scarier.

Brotopia talks about everything that went wrong in designing the tech world and how it quickly became a boys club and a daily struggle for women to fit in. From the interview process that is biased towards men, tech companies campuses that are designed to keep the young, and mostly single, employees working around the clock, the hackathons that normalised working at weekends, to being the only girl in the team, the inappropriate situations, postponing motherhood and dealing with broken maternity leave policies, and most importantly how a career in tech affects families.

Emily Chang leaves the reader with a glimpse of hope in some positive stories of companies who managed to make the tech world more inclusive but it is still a long and painful journey.

Can't recommend this book enough for everyone in tech.

#techbooks #brotopia #womenintech