Released a new podcast episode
Co-hosted a podcast show

#3TB Season 2 - Our Intelligent Ancestors and the "Not So" Intelligent us

Did you know?
- That the popular game “Snakes and Ladders” originated in India
- That India was the first country to mine diamonds
- That shampoo originated in India
- That India was the first country to refine and consume sugar
- And that laid end to end, the steel wires used in the Bandra Worli Sealink could stretch around the world

I am sure we will all look at the sea link with new respect now :-)

A lot of people even question if one person wrote the Mahabharata. Maybe, Maybe Not. But the critical question is whether something so complex can ever be written in the modern era irrespective of the number of people used. For those amazed by the Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones, remember that the Mahabharata is roughly 7X the length of the Iliad and Odyssey combined and 15X the length of the Christian Bible.

Amish Tripathi, our guest this week, conducted a show pop quiz, asking us about the number of Indian manuscripts in existence today. We failed miserably. And the number is astounding, especially when we compare it with other ancient civilisations and realise that 95% of these manuscripts are waiting to be deciphered.

Imagine the wealth of knowledge just waiting to be rediscovered. That could be the #tech project of the century. Any takers?

And this was just one of the many exciting things we spoke about on the podcast.

Fun exercise - write in to tell us the significance of the number 108 in India at

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