Job Seeking
Motivational quote
Here is my story to everyone in the Tech field, and I sincerely hope this resonates or moves you in some way.

This is my testimony as an early career developer who is IMMENSELY proud of how far I come.

I am working on myself and working to get my foot in the door and get to live in NYC.

It's the year 2022 and I am here to strongly advocate and push for change in Tech.

Yes, I am an early-career developer. Yes, I know I still have a lot to learn. However, I believe in good things and change to happen to this industry, ESPECIALLY for Junior developers. The process is working intended by design and it is broken and needs to be challenged more.

I am the first Black woman engineer IN THREE LIVING GENERATIONS in my family. The. Literal. First. I am a legacy starter. The generational curses ENDS WITH ME.

I refuse to memorize LeetCode and HackerRank. They do not showcase who I am.

I am more than my resume and my cover letter.

I refuse to subject myself to processes that have taken MONTHS for me to undergo, only to be rejected.

I wrote about this in my dev blog here: and how frustrating and dehumanizing the process has been as an early career. I love Technology. I love the growth of technology. I love how it saves LIVES. I LOVE the way how getting together with people can produce things that are unimaginable.

The POWER of Technology is immensely wonderful. To play a hand in that, is to be the beating heart of society. But according to many,

I do not qualify because I can't memorize hundreds of lines of codes. I do not qualify because I refuse to be hazed. I do not qualify because I won't do free work. I do not qualify because I do not have 10 years of experience on framework and tools that I am OLDER than it's existence. I do not qualify because I refuse to be strung along like a puppet and played in my face.

I am told I am not good enough because I do not want to lose myself in the process.

I will not be deterred. I will not fall. I am of steel inward and outward. Put me to work, and you will see me shine and show my urge to growth and learn. I am more than interview rounds. I am MORE than the process. I am more than data structures and algorithms. I am more than binary trees and reverse linked trees. I am more than this.

I am more than what an interview cannot wholly see.


Here is me.

A site made by people who SEE my potential, composing testimonials of people who can vouch for who I am as a person. PLEASE do take the time to listen to these videos. Let it sink in that there's SO many people out there who can be vouched like this if given a chance. If not deterred and worn down by 6+ interview rounds. This is what's not seen. This is what's not known.

Here is my personal website I made that I will continue to improve.

I am the beginning of a legacy. I will not be shaken.

#tech #growth #developer #technology #design #work #junior #career #lookingfornewopportunities #lookingforjob