Hello folks! I’m Sam. It’s awesome to meet you!

I’m a full-stack Software Engineer who works with TypeScript, Ruby, and Elixir. I’m currently a Software Engineer at Procurated, a company that makes it easier for government procurement folks to do their job.

During my free time I like to knit, hang out with my awesome friends on Twitter, and go on road trips. I love learning new things about software, science, politics, and humanities. I’m intensely curious about humans and the world that we’ve built. 

I strive to create and be a part of accessible, friendly, welcoming spaces where everyone feels safe and valued. As a neurodivergent person, I have a little trouble understanding social signals and norms, so sometimes I need clarification on things. I’m a staunch ally of minorities, and I’m always learning on how I can be better. If there’s something I’m doing that’s harmful, please call me out on it! I don’t take it personally. 

Hoping to help create a more inclusive and welcoming community on here. Can’t wait to get to know you all!
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