
I've created a lookup sheet to check the values of pixels and rem with Tailwind width and font sizes: I hope it will prove useful.
Over the weekend I produced a really simple website made of just links to help people settle in when moving to Portugal. Although I could have made it super simple and just used HTML, I decided to ...
Just completed the 'Modals with the TALL Stack' course on Laracasts. This was a comprehensive course on creating modals using Alpine and/or Livewire.
Just finished the Alpine.js Essentials course on Laracasts. It was a great introduction to Alpine and finishes with a comprehensive todo build.
I've added a quick Laravel tip on How to Use a Named Route in a Blade View. Whenever I want to do this I can never remember the syntax and I've never been able to find it in the docs...
Completed BeyondCode's Knights of the Flexbox Table, a CSS/Tailwind flex box adventure! This is a great way to learn or brush up on your Flexbox skills.
The story so far .. after moving from being a SAS data analyst into web development with VB.NET in the early 2000s, I moved over to PHP around 2010. Around 2019, when a long term contract had ended...
Published a new tutorial on TALL Tales called 'Adding a Custom Error Page in Laravel'. This tutorial clearly lays out the steps you need to either publish the existing Laravel error pages and edit ...
Launched my new profile website at It's a simple one page website with basic information and links on but it's built in Laravel so that I can expand at a later date if I choose to.
Started the Build a Voting App on Laracasts. The course uses the TALL Stack to create a voting app. The finished app should have the ability for users to create ideas, vote and comment on them, sor...