Managed a project
Built UI components
Launched a Website
Deployed a Backend System
Start-to-finished a new marketing/PR mission statement site for a major airline brand. 
  • Designed UX and UI for flashy design elements, content-rich sections, and data collection
  • Led push for emphasis on content
  • Developed site on a branded platform I built with the brand design system I coded
  • Led a last-minute pivot when the first planned hosting environment turned out to be unsuitable for the amount of traffic we were anticipating and the planned further deployments to the site.
  • Managed last-second content changes before final reveal of site
  • Woke up ungodly early to witness up to 7 million pairs of eyes hit the site
  • Built and thoroughly documented a reporting system to deliver monthly results to stakeholders
Tech Stack: WordPress, PHP, Advanced Custom Fields, WP Engine, SCSS, proprietary design system (that I built), proprietary branded site builder (that I built)