Phomolo Phiri
  • @scarface
Hello World, My name is Phomolo Phiri.  A proud young African Motswana. I'm on a journey. A journey of a thousand miles. I think I'm on step 200 or something cause I'm onto something 🤣 something really big.

Currently working as a Software Engineering intern at Africa Code Academy( on the backend team. Really interested in getting to develop solutions that bring the world together, make the world a better place and make life better/fun for everyone. Oh and I'm heavily interested in anything Cloud. I mean wow! how cool is it that I could start something its resources grow and adjust with it. Genius!

Love chatting so please feel free to engage me on any topic of choice. Id really appreciate it . Cheers 😎🍾

Go by the name Optimus in his Prime on the github streets. (

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