Learning from a mentor

7 sales tactics from a Ford Top Hatter


This summer I will get my 2nd sales job

Selling window cleaning services

I called my grandpa to get some tips

He worked at Ford in the 60-80’s and was highly successful

He wrote a sales book

And won the 1970 Ford TopHatter award for best salesman that year. I want to teach you, some things I’ve learned from him.

Let’s get straight to it

Tactic #1 🚩

Don’t sell a product or service

Sell the benefits

Tactic #1 Example:

Window cleaning

✅“We help businesses look better, which drives in more sales”
❌“We will clean your windows for cheap”

Tactic #2🚩

Don’t say sell


Tactic #2 Example:

✅“I would like to offer you”
❌“I would like to sell you”

Tactic #3🚩

Use referrals/testimonials to your advantage

Have someone that has bought from you before?

Use their testimonial to help sell the next person you pitch to

Tactic #3 Example:

Incentivize your past customer to referral your service to friends

This helps drive sales for no extra cost/effort

Tactic #4🚩

Don’t waste your time with the uninterested

You pitch your service super confidently

but the guy wants nothing to do with you

Don’t waste your time

Move on

Tactic #5🚩

Get your mind right

Before beginning your pitch

Get your mind right by telling yourself:

“I’m doing him a favor”

Watch how yours and the biz owner’s demeanor changes

Tactic #6 🚩

Talk 1on1

Using a script is cool

But will only get you so far into the conversation

Tactic #6 Example:

To breakthrough that barrier…

Talk to the biz owner like it’s you and a friend

Tell him what you are trying to do and how it can help

Keep it short, simple, and personable.

Tactic #7🚩

The best practice is actually doing it

Planning what is gonna happen is ok 

But you don’t know what will happen

So go in there and learn as you go

Personal Experience:

This summer I started my 2nd sales job

I was selling a professional window cleaning service (subscription style)

As of right now, I am the 2nd salesman on the team

My boss told me today:

After hiring me, the biz ARR (annual reoccurring revenue)

Increased by $40,000

For window cleaning lol

This tips work!

Final Thoughts 🧠 

All in a 30 minute phone call with my grandpa

Take this knowledge and apply it to your situation

Selling is living

Just sometimes it’s hard to tell

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