
[Comprendre Docker en 2 minutes 🇫🇷] Understanding Docker in a visual way - 11 - Pass build args
[Comprendre Docker en 2 minutes 🇫🇷] Understanding Docker in a visual way - 12 - Pass env variables
Understanding Kubernetes: part 44 – Tools - Kyverno Understanding Kubernetes can be difficult or time-consuming. In order to spread knowledges about Cloud technologies I started to create sketchnot...
Sticky sessions/Session Affinity based on Nginx Ingress on OVHcloud Managed Kubernetes Find out how to set-up and configure sticky sessions/session Affinity based on Nginx Ingress on OVHcloud Manag...
Updated "Understanding Kubernetes in a visual way" en version 1.1.1 https://aurelievache.gumroad.com/l/understanding-kubernetes-visual-way
[Comprendre Docker en 2 minutes 🇫🇷] Understanding Docker in a visual way - 10 - Dockerignore
What the heck is DevRel? Talk done at the meetup DevRel Salon at Paris, France
Encrypt your Secret for OVHcloud Managed Kubernetes with Sealed Secrets (Kubeseal) Find out how to encrypt your Kubernetes Secrets in order to store them in Git with Sealed Secrets (Kubeseal)
Sanitize your OVHcloud Managed Kubernetes with Popeye Find out how to sanitize your OVHcloud Managed Kubernetes with Popeye
Appeared in the "Ambassador Labs" blog: CKAD/CKA Exam Tips from 10 People Who Passed the Exam
[Comprendre Docker en 2 minutes 🇫🇷] Understanding Docker in a visual way - 08 - Events Understanding Docker can be difficult or time-consuming. In this serie of video I try to explain Docker abstra...
Enforcing policy management on OVHcloud Managed Kubernetes with Kyverno Find out how to secure your OVHcloud Managed Kubernetes and deploy Kyverno for policy management.
Venom 🐍 1.0 – Manage and run your integration tests with efficiency Venom, a tool that aim to manage and run integration tests with efficiency, have been released few weeks ago in 1.0! We will disc...
Common tips & mistakes in Go and how to solve them at SnowCamp 2022
What's the heck is DevRel? at SnowCamp 2022
Thanks Julien for the opportunity to talk about "Understanding Kubernetes in a visual way" in the @JavaMagazineNL ! So happy to appear in a magazine coming from Netherlands
Happy to appear in the Java Magazine NL for my "Understanding Kubernetes in a visual way" video serie on YouTube.
Updated GopherSay to 1.0.2 GopherSay is inspired by Cowsay program. GopherSay allow you to display a message said by a cute random Gopher.
OVHcloud Managed Kubernetes service provides you Kubernetes clusters without the hassle of installing or operating them. During the day-to-day life of your cluster, you may want to dynamically adju...
Find out how to install Knative on OVHcloud Managed Kubernetes and deploy your first serverless containers Run Serverless containers on OVHcloud Managed Kubernetes with Knative
Terraform OVH Provider
Creating an OVHcloud Managed Kubernetes cluster through the OVHcloud Control Panel is cool but do you know you can deploy a cluster programmatically, with Terraform? Creating a cluster through Terr...
In this tutorial we are going to show you how to deploy your applications to specific Nodes andNodes Pools, with labels and NodeAffinity Kubernetes concepts, on your OVHcloud Managed Kubernetes Ser...
The main objective of this tutorial is to Secure Your OVHcloud Managed Kubernetes Cluster with OpenID Connect (OIDC) and RBAC. Installing Keycloak, an OIDC Provider, on OVHcloud Managed Kubernetes
We previously showed you how to deploy your applications to specific Nodes and Nodes Pools, with labels and NodeAffinity Kubernetes concepts. In this new tutorial we will show you how to do some co...
In this tutorial we will show you how to deploy a GPU application on an OVHcloud Managed Kubernetes cluster. GPUs provide compute power to drive AI/ML & Deep Learning tasks with intensive calculati...
In this tutorial we will show you how to monitor a GPU application on an OVHcloud Managed Kubernetes cluster. Monitoring GPU usage on OVHcloud Managed Kubernetes Service
Contributed to Venom project
Passed the Fundamentals for Kyverno certification.
Les briques du Cloud S01E01 - Cloud Nord
Les Briques du Cloud S01E02 - Spéciale DevFest Nantes
Devoxx FR | Interview D'aurélie VACHE
Podcast Aurélie Vache : il ne faut pas se sous estimer
Excited and honored to join Google Developers as Google Developer Expert! 🎉
In previous articles we created an HTTP REST API server, a CLI, a Bot for Discord and even a game for Nintendo Game Boy Advance. Golang is used a lot for CLI and microservices but what about creati...
Everyone loves useful programs. Unfortunately I just created one ... useless but cute? :-D https://github.com/scraly/gophersay Welcome to GopherSay! GopherSay is inspired by Cowsay program. GopherS...
Learning Go by examples: part 6 - Create a gRPC app in Go
Learning Go by examples: part 5 - Create a Game Boy Advance (GBA) game in Go
Learning Go by examples: part 4 - Create a Bot for Discord in Go
Learning Go by examples: part 2 - Create an HTTP REST API Server in Go
Learning Go by examples: part 3 - Create a CLI app in Go
Understanding Kubernetes in a visual way - 20 - Useful tools part 2 | Kubernetes en français
Learning Go by examples: Introduction
Understanding Network things: part 4 – Unicast, Broadcast, Multicast & Anycast
Understanding Kubernetes in a visual way (in 🎥 video): part 19 – Useful tools
Understanding Kubernetes in a visual way - 18 - Pod & Node Affinities | Kubernetes en français
Kubernetes : le coeur de la meule … comme vous ne l’avez jamais vu
Discussion: How to be a happy Open Source Developer?
Create and share a kubectl plugin. Easy!
Understanding Network things: part 3 – DNS
Understanding Kubernetes in a visual way (in 🎥 video): part 17 – Kubernetes Components
Understanding Network things: part 2 – IP address & CIDR
Understanding Kubernetes in a visual way - 16 - Nodes (Cordon, Drain,Taint) | Kubernetes en français
Créer & distribuer un plugin pour Kubernetes en quelques minutes ? Easy ! :)
Understanding Kubernetes: part 43 – Init Containers
Understanding Kubernetes in a visual way - 15 - Deployment Rolling Update | Kubernetes en français
Understanding Docker: part 34 – Context
Understanding Kubernetes in a visual way - 14 - Horizontal Pod Autoscaler | Kubernetes en français
Understanding Docker: part 33 – Tools: Skopeo
Understanding Kubernetes in a visual way - 13 - Request & Limit | Kubernetes en français
Manage Multiple Environments With Terraform Workspaces (DZone)
Développeuses : le syndrome de l'imposteur (O'Clock)
Mastering Hibernate (Packt Publishing)
Back to the future - Microsoft Frontpage (Microsoft Dev Roadshow)
Understanding Kubernetes in a visual way
Understanding Kubernetes: part 42 – Tools - Encrypt your Secret with kubeseal
Understanding Docker: part 32 – Networks
How I fail the GCP Professional Cloud Architect certification exam (Dev.to)
DevNation: The Show - Interviewed by Sebastien Blanc (Youtube)
Interview de Aurélie Vache, développeuse Cloud et DevOps (Developpez.com)
Pour plus de développeuses (JeSuisUnDev)
Testing a gRPC Service in Go With Table Driven Tests (DZone)
How to Write an HTTP REST API Server in Go in Minutes (DZone)
How to Create a CLI in Go in Minutes (DZone)
Create & distribute a plugin for Kubernetes. Easy!
Understanding Docker: part 24 – Events
Understanding Docker: part 25 – Dockerfile: CMD & ENTRYPOINT instructions
Understanding Docker: part 26 - Docker components
Create a plugin for Kubernetes in several minutes? Easy!
Create & distribute a plugin for Kubernetes. Easy!
Understanding Docker: part 27 - Container
How to debug containers running in an AWS Beanstalk?
Stack Rooms #1 - Les services meshes et Istio
[QuestionDev #9] Kubernetes, c'est quoi ?
Understanding Docker: part 28 - Build images
[QuestionDev #9] Kubernetes, c'est quoi ?
Understanding Docker: part 29 - Exec in a container
Understanding Kubernetes in a visual way - 01 - Pods
Understanding Docker: part 30 - Stop and restart a container
“Code has no gender” #WomenAreExperts
Understanding Kubernetes in a visual way
Understanding Istio in a visual way
Understanding Docker in a visual way
Create a plugin for Kubernetes in several minutes? Easy!
Understanding Kubernetes in a visual way - 02 - Deployments
Create & distribute a plugin for Kubernetes. Easy!
Understanding Docker: part 31 - Volumes
Understanding Kubernetes in a visual way - 03 - Services
Store your Kubernetes Secrets in Git thanks to Kubeseal. Hello SealedSecret!
Understanding Kubernetes in a visual way - 04 - Namespaces
Understanding Kubernetes in a visual way - 05 - Jobs
Understanding Kubernetes: part 39 – Pod Security policies
Understanding Kubernetes in a visual way - 06 - CronJobs
Understanding Kubernetes: part 40 – RBAC
Understanding Kubernetes in a visual way - 07 - ConfigMaps
Debugging Kubernetes: Execute kubectl commands with a Service Account
Understanding Kubernetes in a visual way - 08 - Secrets
Understanding Kubernetes in a visual way - 09 - Labels & Selector
Discover Civo Cloud: a managed Kubernetes based on K3s
ReX: With GitOps, stop playing with your cluster!
Understanding Kubernetes: part 41 – Pod Disruption Budget (PDB )
Understanding Kubernetes in a visual way - 10 - Kubectl Tips
Understanding Kubernetes in a visual way - 11 - Liveness & Readiness
The Cloud Careers Podcast
Understanding Network things: part 1 – L4 / L7 layers
Introduction to CI/CD
Understanding Kubernetes in a visual way - 12 - PostStart & PreStop | Visual tutorial
Terraform CLI Cheat Sheet