
Released a new Figma UI Kit for Chakra UI
Design System Fridays
Spoke at the State of the CSS Panel
I got featured in the ReadME Project (Q&A) alongside a panel of outstanding open source maintainers. I shared some thoughts about how to balance the technical side of maintainership with the commun...
Excited to see Zag.js featured in the Open Source Monthly showcase. Can’t wait to show y’all the new stuff we’re working on with Zag.js 😊
I joined the folks at PodRocket to talk about design, the future of Chakra UI, component libraries, and the work I do at Vercel. Apple: Spotify: Go...
Spoke at the TKYT session about the basics of building UI components with state machines using Zag.js.
I wrote about my journey and lesson in maintaining Chakra UI on the Github ReadME project Some key points: • Release early, release often • Overcoming the fear of criticism • The minimum viable aud...
Gave a demo of my recently launched open-source library, Zag.js at the LearnWithJason show. • Gave a general introduction to State machines • Introduced Zag.js and what it is • We created a demo of...
Excited to share my latest project, Zag.js UI components powered by State Machines. Zag is a collection of framework agnostic, accessible widgets (like an accordion, menu, dialog, etc.) that can be...