Launched a product
Started building a SaaS
Very excited to launch Chakra UI Pro 🎉 with Christian Schroter.

Chakra UI Pro is a premium set of component layouts that help you launch your website, app, or eCommerce app with speed.

It took us 3 months of consistent work and midnight oil to design the component, build them with Chakra UI, and build the platform that'll enable customers to purchase a license.

The motivation for Chakra Pro was to figure out how we could make money to sustain the development of Chakra UI. It was quickly obvious that we couldn't support Chakra UI with just the OpenCollective sponsorship.

The best way I know to make money is to build something of value that solves a problem people have. In this case, help people build even faster with Chakra UI ⚡️.

So proud of myself and Chris for making this happen despite having full-time jobs.

Here's the website:

Here's the launch tweet: