Started Learning Python
I just purchased a course on Udemy: 100 Days of Code - The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp for 2021 by Dr. Angela Yu. I completed three of her courses earlier this year (on Web Development, Swift and Flutter) and I really like her style.

What made me decide on learning Python was realizing that I don't feel comfortable enough with any programming language to take on a technical interview or a coding challenge. I can code and create things using C#, Swift or Javascript, but I'm not programming daily nowadays and I don't know by heart the names of data structures, functions and properties. By learning Python, my goal is to feel prepared to complete coding exercises using a convenient and popular language which is completely strange for me right now.

I'm going to use Python for my project as well. This way, I won't only use Python as a theoretical tool, but also to build a complete, real website. I was struggling to decide whether to learn and use React or Angular, but I'll be betting on using Python instead of Javascript.