Oct 2020 - Present
Sharath Kumar
- @sharathkumar
- Software Engineer
- India
An accessible and simple Email Signup Form. This solution does the following as a minimum: • Validates the user’s email address • Manages focus and uses appropriate focus styles • Uses appropriate,...
Toggle switches are so hot right now, but every-so-often they’re implemented terribly. This solution takes care of the following: • Uses semantic elements • Is usable with mouse, touch and keyboard...
Duotone is a lovely effect which we can finally achieve with CSS. Popularised by Spotify: it’s become a very common design treatment on the web, so let’s have some fun and make a set of duotone car...
Learning vue.js + typescript 🔥❤️ Working on a blog feed👀 Check this out: https://codepen.io/WhiteMicrophone/pen/rNyvyXO