Shared a tip
Shared a thought
📢 After EXPO wraps on March 31, 2022, I believe there will be a surge of job seekers in the market looking for new opportunities. This means that there will be an increase in the number of applicants for open positions.

If you are already in the UAE, you should make the most of March by attending events, building your network, and meeting new people. I think that the job market will be quite competitive in the coming months.

I'm not sure how many of you are aware of DUBAI CALENDAR, which is a fantastic site for finding events. There are a range of events available, such as:
🔰 corporate
🔰 lifestyle
🔰 festivals
🔰 wellness and more.

In my opinion, if you are planning a trip to the UAE for job hunting, you should make it last 3 to 6 months to better explore opportunities that meet your requirements.

🔔 Don't forget to hit the bell icon on my LinkedIn profile to get all the latest updates on jobs, networking events, careers tips and job market news.

#SohaibHasan #DubaiEXPO2020 #DubaiJobs #UAEJobs #Jobs2022Â