Second Vaccination Dose COVID19
Today I received my 2nd dose of COVID19 vaccination Pfizer-BioNTech. I want to thank the entire UAE Government and the Healthcare Authorities for their every inch of an effort ensuring the residents remain healthy and safe.

I asked the Doctor if I can share this with my network on social media. She said, Yes :)

There were many rumours and myths which I heard before getting the 1st dose. Honestly, those are just fake. I am completely fine and well, Alhamdulillah.

If any of you have even a drop of doubt, please consult with a Doctor and get the clarification on the matter as soonest and do not delay it!

Special thanks to @dha_dubai

We are all responsible and a part in this.

#sohaibhasan #covid19vaccine #vaccinerollout #pfizerbiontech