I'm not gonna lie, sometimes I look back at my university days and wonder why I didn't go for the tech geek route.

I mean, I spent few years studying the mating habits of fruit flies and now I'm a coding wizard, go figure. But hey, life has a funny way of working out and now I'm part of this tech revolution that's changing the world as we know it.

And the best part?

I understand it very well! From Excel VBA to Access RDBMS, from VB.NET to Web App Development, the journey has been truly amazing.

So yeah, maybe I didn't get that degree in computer engineering, but who needs it when you have a can-do attitude and a knack for googling everything and then master it?

Oh God, I am just so blessed what I have achieved so far ...

#SohaibHasan #WebApp #ASPNet #Coding #Database #AI #ChatGPT4