Shared a tip

It is illegal ...

If you are in your home country and applying for jobs in the UAE with a hope to get picked without being physically here, there are chances that you'll come across some scams and fake offers.

The employers here do not ask for any sort of payments from the candidates for visa processing and related matters. In case you have received a fancy offer with great salary and perks (that too without even applying), immediately consult with someone.

Do not get excited and make payments. Many of my connections in the past consulted with me and I warned them to be careful! And this advice is for all regions and no matter what is your desired location to work.

You can read "UAE - Ministerial Order 52 of 1989, Article 6a" for more information and details on the subject.

#SohaibHasan #DubaiJobs #UAECareers #AdviceForAll #UAEVisa