Started Building A New Product
I got super annoyed with my browser history not remembering things from 3 years ago. I can't do that so surely a computer can right!? But apparently not. Google Chrome stores your history for 90 days, FireFox has some limit of pages in your history.

This is useless to me. I'm somewhat obsessed with keeping a digital history of stuff. I have photos from my high school days, every random music recording I've ever sampled, dead projects and art from years ago.

I want a fully searchable, intelligent, actually useful history of all the web pages I've ever visited so I can, not only refer back to them, but find things even when I can't remember the exact title.

So I started building Wisplight. It's a fully local, privacy friendly, full-text-search based browser history app for your computer (and, eventually, your phone too!)

You can check out the app at and I'm open to feedback! It's currently an extremely early version and I'm working on a big update for the second alpha test release.