Sreejith Nair
  • @sree276

Greetings folks! I am Sreejith Nair, hailing from Mumbai- India , and currently sailing the waters as a PM at Dmart Ready

In my free time, I can usually be found with my nose in a book (currently devouring The Dark Forest - By Cixin Lu ), or indulging in some football (I love to play and watch it when the pandemic permits), or obsessing over the One Piece anime series (I'll see the end of it someday!).

I am all about creating delightful experiences for users while driving business growth using data-driven strategies. I am passionate about eCommerce, FinTech, OTT, and No Code, and always up for a conversation around these subjects. Let's connect and geek out together!

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Feb 2023 - Present

Product Manager, Avenue Ecommerce Ltd.