Entered a Game Jam
Made a Video Game
Godot Engine
I had a go at making a game for the GMTK Game Jam 2021. The theme was “Joined Together”.

My idea was to make a game where you rolled snowballs and joined them together to build a snowman. You could have levels where you need to make a snowman of a certain height, and with snowballs in interesting locations to make it harder.

I decided to make the game in Godot Engine, since I’m already somewhat familiar with it and its coding language. However, I’d not done much 2D development in it before, so it was new territory for me.

Unfortunately I was unable to finish the game, and so submitted a prototype which demonstrated the concept. But I feel happy to have been able to submit something for the jam, and I’ve learnt about making 2D games along the way! 🙂