Nashville Diaper Connection is growing a network of community support to provide diapers to needy families. We collect donations of dollars and diapers and work with distribution centers similar to food banks to provide diapers to needy families. The Bottom Line: We are trying to help break the cycle. SNAP (Food Stamps) and WIC do not cover diapers. The average cost is $108 a month, per baby. Day care centers require diapers to leave a baby in their care. With no support mechanisms in place, that means parents have to buy diapers in order to get to work. An adequate supply of clean, dry diapers is a preventative approach to infections, neglect, abuse, unnecessary tension, and physical and emotional stress. Our purpose: ▪Raise awareness of the diaper gap in Nashville. ▪Build relationships with local and corporate donation resources (National Diaper Bank Network / Huggies “Little Bottoms”) ▪Collect/buy greatest possible number of packages of disposable diapers (any size, any amount). ▪Distribute diapers to partner agencies.

Oct 01, 2013