Started working on a new project
🎉 New project!! 🙌 I've been squashing bugs and monitoring the last project (ecomm app migration) and today I joined a meeting to talk about the next project which seems quite complex but also super interesting....

🛍 In a nutshell, we'll be unifying three different brand's Shopify sites into a unified experience under an umbrella company. We'll be consolidating the ecommerce side of it while keeping each brand on it's on website but all sharing components and the same user experience.

🎨 So this is about building "themable" website that can be configured to different brands and deploy to three different domains. Each will have different pages, products and even shopping carts but the base functionality and navigation will be shared.

🧠 Still have a lot of planning ahead but I'm already excited to be working on a project of this size!