
Created a show on Showwcase, https://www.showwcase.com/show/14776/how-to-split-a-string-in-javascript
Hey All, Very proud to launch ReactPlay to help everyone learn ReactJS faster. It is an open-source app so please contribute, use, and enjoy. => https://www.reactplay.io/
This one is for everyone who wants to understand React Hooks in the most simple way. First, learn the "Why" then the "How"... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CvNvRaS3u60
Let's Learn How to Fork a GitHub Repository by doing it. Check this out https://github.com/atapas/fork-me
Started a Brand New Series on YouTube.... Reactjs, Learn React Practically https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIJrr73KDmRyrDnDFy-hHvQ24rRjz6e_J
Reached 1K Subs..... Hurray ๐ŸŽˆโœจ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽŠ๐Ÿงจ๐ŸŽ‡ My YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/tapasadhikary
Featured in Dev.to's top 7 posts of the week. https://dev.to/badge/top-7
I've joined @ShowwcaseHQ as a Community Lead. Super Excited. https://twitter.com/tapasadhikary/status/1482974169214369794
5K Connections on Twitter
A New Profile Photo after a Year :)
Joined dev.to https://dev.to/atapas
Hurray!!! My application has been accepted... Now I'm a writer on freeCodeCamp.
The best thing Happened... I have started my Blog @Hashnode and Published my first article. https://blog.greenroots.info
My Dormant Twitter Account was given a new life! https://twitter.com/tapasadhikary
My Article got featured on Dor Moshe's Newsletter https://dormoshe.io/daily-news/how-i-attempted-image-classification-in-the-browser-using-ml5-js-and-react-1lj3-1951.2
35k+ Page views on my blog: https://blog.greenroots.info
Speaker in jslovers event: JAMStack for All https://www.meetup.com/jslovers/events/272330360/
Just Amazing.. At the top of the HackerNews front page... The Top One is Mine!!!! Thanks Sandeep for sharing. https://blog.greenroots.info/10-lesser-known-web-apis-you-may-want-to-use
Thanks, @JAMstacked for the mention of my series, "JAMstack for all" in this month's issue. https://jamstack.email/issues/13 Series => https://blog.greenroots.info/series/jamstack
Featured on Pointer.io Issue # 204 Article => https://blog.greenroots.info/10-lesser-known-web-apis-you-may-want-to-use-ckejv75cr012y70s158n85yhn http://www.pointer.io/archives/36ef158a47/
New Profile Pic on the Social Media...
Celebrating 2.2k+ Reactions and 25k+ views and 100 Comments on one article. https://dev.to/atapas/10-useful-html5-features-you-may-not-be-using-2bk0
My Article was featured in Dor Moshe's Newsletter https://dormoshe.io/newsletters/ag/javascript/3
First public recognition for creating content. Thanks, James. You and your comment both are in my book now :) https://twitter.com/tucker_dev/status/1310253795725766659
Excited to be part of the Technical Writing Bootcamp as both a Speaker and participant. Can't explain more, how thrilled I am by counting myself as a speaker among @catalinmpit , @mycodinghabits, a...
Proud to win this badge. Thank you #DEVCommunity! "Celebrate every win".. I am just doing one.
500 Awesome Friends on Twitter.
Revamped GitHub Profile... More power to the Side Hustles now https://github.com/atapas
My Metaprogramming article was mentioned in Quincy Larson's Weekly Newsletter.
Feeling great to be a moderator for the @hashnode #Nodejs tag. Don't forget to follow the tag: https://hashnode.com/n/nodejs
16 Weeks Writing Badge from Dev https://dev.to/atapas
I'm super excited to check out Polywork as one of the first early adopters. Oh and btw Jupiter is by far the most superior of the AI-Assistants! ๐Ÿ”ฅ ๐Ÿ˜Ž ๐Ÿค–