Ted Teo
  • @tedteo
Ted is a serial entrepreneur and mergers and acquisitions lawyer whose experiences include advising Tech giants (such as Tesla, Amazon, Uber, Spotify, Dropbox and Stripe) and fundraising over US$1 billion for startups and helping them to reach Unicorn status (i.e. a privately held startup company valued at over $1 billion). 

Ted is currently hosting the Ted Teo Business Show which is a business and entrepreneurship interview show that focuses on sharing actionable advice and strategies to help entrepreneurs achieve success in their own businesses. Join Ted as he speaks with world class entrepreneurs from around the world and breaks down their key take-aways into bite size nuggets of information that anyone can understand and learn from. (www.tedteo.com)
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Dec 2016 - Present

Mergers & Acquisitions Lawyer, Shook Lin

Jun 2021 - Present

Podcast Host, Ted Teo Business Show