Doubled prices and shattered a limiting belief

Updated pricing strategy
Since inception, we’ve been charging between $3,000 and $6,000 for our services at Optemization. Normally, that price included a Notion workspace build, training, and documentation that would take us about 15 hours / per week to complete.

In September, one of the clients, asked if we can find them someone with our background/expertise but to hire full-time.

I realized that the supply of experts with our skills is low but the demand is steadily growing, so I countered by hiring out one of our teammates to join the client full-time. For that service, I decided to try to double our prices and charge $15,000 for a 3-month contract, which sounded absolutely ridiculous to me at the time, that sounded crazy to me. But they agreed! And hired us for two quarters at that. They became our most valued client at the highest LTV.

This was proof that the market was willing to buy our services at this price and I started charging between $10k and $60k for projects. Shattering this limiting belief granted me immeasurable confidence in our services and team, and enabled me to grow Optemization to new heights.