Signed new client

I got my first big client from Twitter

Sometime in 2019, I realized how cool Twitter is. I also noticed that whenever I’d post something insightful or exciting related to Notion, I’d get a sizeable bump in followers. People were fanatical (still are) fanatical about Notion on the platform and I learned to use that to my advantage.

In mid-2020 I hit 1k followers and established myself as the Notion expert in the startup/tech Twitter. So when the famous DTC expert/influencer, Nik Sharma, tweeted about needing a Notion consultant, I was tagged multiple times. In fact, I sneakily asked some of my friends to tag me for social proof.

I DMed Nik a proposal, and within a few days, I closed the deal and started building a Notion workspace for Sharma Brands 🎉

The partnership with Nik proved to be a pivotal point because his brand and eventual endorsement boosted Optemization's recognition and momentum which helped close more and more reputable clients.Â