Started to prepare for GCP Associate Cloud Associate in June 2021. I have been using GCP services like GCE, GAE, Cloud Functions, Cloud Monitor, and Cloud Run for almost two and a half years. While preparing for the certification few concepts were important. For example, knowing about Kubernetes, Cloud Run for Anthos, Load Balancer, Firewall rules. 

We had built the CI/CD with GCP when I am working with Codecraft Works. Understand different tools for requirements helped me to think about various parameters like costs, security, scalability. 

The course which I followed was from Cloud Gurus

The learning experience was excellent in a clear explanation of the topic. I took some practice tests that allowed me to focus on weak areas. The exam had topics from IAM, GKE, Docker, Cloud Run, and almost tricky. The combination of practicing GCP Services, reading documentation, understanding requirement scenarios, and the course helped me to clear the exam with flying colors.