Building something new

How I Built The Beauté Study's Online Masterclasses

I developed the Beauté Study's online fragrance masterclasses! During the early days of COVID, I turned my passion for fragrance and beauty education into teaching people online on the power of scent & fragrance.

Few things that I learned using past and new experiences:
  • Hosting and selling digital classes through platforms: Eventbrite, Members' Vault, Woo Commerce and Zoom
  • Handled customer service with customers in different time zones and taking them through my sales funnel
  • Built an in-depth teaching method for shopping & creating fragrances
  • Developed a sales funnel through email marketing and expanding my email marketing knowledge to the Convert Kit platform
Two years later, the results from my learnings and action steps:
  • Over 100+ students across six different countries have taken my online class and many testimonials
  • Developed four different masterclasses that are now instant access through our site (No more third parties!)
  • Now house all the masterclasses on our site to teach others while maintaining course updates in-house
Check out the classes here: