Shipped a product
Won a hackathon
So excited to experience my first Hack Week at REA this week, and we took home home the grand prize! 🏆🏆🏆

Really proud of our team, Bean Counter, who in just 3 days pulled together a hardware & software project to deliver a mechanism for people to pay for coffee at the REA cafe using their staff ID cards.

All payments are charitable donations that are automatically deducted from the staff member's payroll. No more hunting around for gold coins!

We cobbled together:

  • A Raspberry Pi
  • Touch screen
  • RFID scanner
  • 3D printed case of our own design
  • A little Ruby on Rails app for the user interface
An incredible team, fantastic project, and definitely the best hack I've ever been part of.

Also, a massive thanks to the REA legal team, who were super proactive at helping us understand the legalities of the project, as well as churning out a great terms of service in record time.