Learnt HTML
Built something new
Created a website
Strategized with advisors
Learnt JavaScript
Hello, I am TheUnusualDev,

I decided to learn HTML and CSS mid to late December in hopes of becoming a Full-Stack website developer. I have learnt most of HTML and lots of CSS and TailwindCSS.

I worked to start building my first website, it was very bad as it was my first one  ever, but it pushed me and I kept working.

Not too long following that I worked on the https://moonlighthq.net website with, Spear.

About 2 weeks following that I started work on my own Portfolio website that is currently here: https://theunusualdev.com. I never thought I would get to this point but I continue to work towards full-stack. 
As of now I am learning JS, PHP and C# but will go into next.JS as well.

A massive thanks to @callmeh Spear for helping me with everything, I would never have decided to learn code without you.
Another thanks to @Will King for helping me with my coding journey!