I did a paid promotion for Nhost's v2 beta launch. https://twitter.com/theworstdev/status/1486039257710055427?s=20&t=D7ToQTFSVbanh8xcBffPiQ
I wrote up a document for a friend looking to get into programming as a self-guided learner. The goal is to provide introductory content for the reader to get a bit more familiar with the programmi...
I created a LinkedIn page for Forthright. I'll be updating it once I finish work on the latest marketing copy. https://www.linkedin.com/company/forthright-dx-consulting/
I created a Notion template for client portals. This way, I can provide everyone with their own space and landing page for deep visibility into my work with them. https://twitter.com/theworstdev/st...
Started a Twitter thread for doing #100DaysOfBusiness where I'll share some highlights as I work on Forthright. https://twitter.com/theworstdev/status/1471116757087801349?s=20
The first two weeks of launching Forthright have been a whirlwind. I share my experiences in this blog post. https://theworst.dev/launching-forthright
I wrote about why I started Forthright, and what I hope to accomplish with the company. https://theworst.dev/why-i-started-forthright
I designed, built, and launched a website for Forthright. 🎨👩🏻💻🚀 https://forthright.tech
I created the initial branding and identity for Forthright.
Created a social media account for my company today. https://twitter.com/forthright_tech
Created a blog post on using webhooks in AWS Amplify. https://dev.to/theworstdev/keeping-your-static-content-fresh-with-web-hooks-in-aws-amplify-console-56lj
Wrote about getting authentication working in Android apps with AWS Amplify. https://dev.to/theworstdev/adding-drop-in-authentication-to-your-android-apps-with-aws-amplify-4kbd
Wrote a blog post about setting up end-to-end tests for Android apps. https://dev.to/theworstdev/how-to-set-up-end-to-end-tests-for-android-with-zero-code-1ka
I've been bothered by social media and how platforms use our engagement as a currency. I wrote an in-depth blog post examining how social media currently causes harm and what it would take to build...
The MLS mobile app was nominated for a Webby award. I was the tech lead on that project and was responsible for building out the more complex functionality of the application. https://winners.webby...
Created a fundraiser to help a developer in Nigeria who was a victim to police violence get a new Macbook Pro to continue their development journey. https://www.gofundme.com/f/new-laptop-for-emmanu...
I joined React Podcast to talk about Gatsby, design systems, universal components, measuring Node.js performance, and more. https://reactpodcast.com/episodes/13
I shared some fun GraphQL APIs folks can use in their projects. https://www.apollographql.com/blog/community/backend/8-free-to-use-graphql-apis-for-your-projects-and-demos/
I wrote about how Apollo Studio provides DevOps for GraphQL APIs. https://www.apollographql.com/blog/graphql/devops/devops-for-graphql-apis/
As of December 1st, 2021 I am officially a business owner! 💼 I'll be sharing more details about it soon. 👀
I was a guest on Kim Crayton's #causeascene podcast where we talked about white privilege, incarceration, and the effects of mediocre white men in tech. https://hashtagcauseascene.com/podcast/kurt-...
What makes a high-functioning team? https://twitter.com/theworstdev/status/1456251560548356100
Challenging work is important to your teams' happiness and success, but I see very little information shared about how to build teams in a way that keeps them continuously challenged and happy. I d...
Tweeted about the stigma of working for money in tech. Currently there is a bias towards having passion for coding which is used to gatekeep folks who want to make a better living from a career in ...