
Tech Lead of an agile team of 8 developpers. Work on bug fixs and new features
Co-found a startup and make an internationnal online poker assistant https://www.xeester.com/fr/
Build a nextjs site with AWS amplify https://www.nlfr.fr
Work on mail and sms flow : - microservices - batch - protocol REST and SOAP https://www.interepargne.natixis.com/nie/epargnants-c_5189.html
Work and design 2FA authentification for a B-to-B product : Front-end on angular Back-end on Java J2EE
Study GraphQL Server solutions : - Apollo on express and on lambda - AWS amplify Study GraphQL Client solutions : - Relay - Apollo Client
Refactor and add tooling on an angular app : - storybook - cypress and cucumber
Collaborate on development of a serverless product : - back-end on AWS Lambda typescript Nodejs and Dynamodb - front-end on Angular - infra as code - circleci for deployment
Make a POC of Micro-frontend with : - apps in React / Vue - webpack module federation - yarn monorepo - ci with Github Action - hosting with AWS S3
Study React ecosystem. Study Static Site Generation and CMS
Build a B-to-B-to-C mobile first product : https://actiris.interepargne.natixis.com Spring boot micro-services for backend Angular 6+ for front-end
Some ADRs to explicit front-end architectural choices : - redux vs context - saga vs thunk - tailwind vs styled components
Rewrite a front end Angular app in a Typescript Functional React : - component driven development with Storybook - CSS in HTML with tailwindcss - accessible and tested components - state management...
For an eco-hackathon in Meetic.