Thivyaa Mohan
  • @thivyaamohan
  • NIT Trichy'23| vGHC Scholar'21 | Building StrategyBiz
  • She/her
Hey there!πŸ‘‹

πŸ‘©β€πŸŽ“I'm Thivyaa Mohan from the National Institute of Technology in Trichy, ranked 9th among engineering colleges in India and consistently ranked 1st among NITs.

πŸ‘©β€πŸ’»Data science, research, machine learning, open-source are all things I'm interested in. My abilities also include delegation and teamwork. I thrive in an environment that encourages high-energy teamwork while also encouraging positivity and collaboration. Finally, working with people from various backgrounds has given me a thorough understanding of individual and organisational differences.

✍️ I love writing and expanding my linguistic horizons. I'm always looking for new words to add to my repertoire:-)

πŸ”—I'm also an extrovert who enjoys meeting people, so please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Let's connect and develop as a community :)
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