
Sargable Queries & MUL Indexes; or Why My Query is Slow You're on Ops. Debugging Error-s in Invoicing Rails app, as usual. They're stored in MySQL, and accessed through ActiveRecord and some helper...
Hand gestures prediction based on z-axis accelerometer data from low-cost DAQ hardware Using an Arduino and MPU-6050, I was able to build a multilayer perceptron model to classifying two gestures (...
Hvilken rute er den mindst forurenede? Åbne data muliggør egne beregninger The open air quality data from the City of Copenhagen's AirView project provides the opportunity to make your own solution...
Københavns Luftkvalitet og Cykling Between November 2018 and February 2020, Google strapped three different air quality sensors on their Street View vehicles and took thousands of measurements thro...
Sargable Queries & MUL Indexes; or Why My Query is Slow You’re on Ops. Debugging Error-s in the invoicing Rails app, as usual. They’re stored in MySQL and access through ActiveRecord and some helpe...
I was a kid who could spend hours in MS Paint. I'm not saying I'm an artist, I'm saying that I have fun doing it. This is Flubbings. He got stuck in the catacombs under the castle grounds while tas...
Kaffe. Kaffe is Danish for—you guessed it—coffee. And I love kaffe. After working in the beverage industry for nearly a decade, I switched careers and became a software developer. Kaffe, this app, ...
75% hydration. King Arthur bread flour. 2 days.
Communication Superhighways https://www.thomascountz.com/2021/03/13/communication-superhighways
Repeated Signals Wear Grooves This is a powerful message about the implicit, and often unconscious, signals we send one another on our teams.
Crafting an Invitation to Think We want to posit an idea just enough to engage a reader’s curiosity and compel them to have thoughts of their own—the aim is to craft an invitation to think.
Coordinate Frames in 2D w/ Homogeneous Coordinates + Matplotlib In robotics, we can use the concepts of frames of reference to mathematically model the mechanics of our robot. By using a Cartesiean...
Essential & Relevant: A Unit Test Balancing Act I have never been a fan of "DRYing," out unit tests (i.e., abstracting duplicated test setup). I have always preferred to keep all of my test setup i...
Ruby Kaigi 2018
Abstractions II
👋 Hi everyone! Welcome to The Psuedocode! 🎉 Iteration 001 is here! 🎉 • 🗓️ Why I Share the Agenda • 👥 Can Teamwork Work When a Team at Work Does Not Work? by Marion LV • 📈 Range of Tolerance • 🥌 The...
MLOps for Web Devs - Fastai2, Flask, Docker, & Heroku You’ve built your fastai2 model and now you want to expose it via an API. There are tools like Render, Google App Engine, AWS Lambda, Amazon Sa...
Entry-level Compiler A compiler’s job is to translate one language into another. We use them in computer programming to transform the high-level languages that humans can read and write into someth...
Published Learning Machine Learning Series 2. Perceptrons in Neural Networks 4. Perceptron Implementing AND | Part 1 6. Perceptron Implementing AND | Part 2 8. 19-line Line-by-line Python Perceptro...
Bobby Bobby is a mobile-first Rails app that uses MTA’s real-time bus tracking API to tell users when the bus will arrive at their stop. Instead of using GPS, WiFi, or Cell Towers to pinpoint a use...
Rocket Lab Telemetry from Video Over the weekend, Rocket Lab launched their 20th Electron rocket! Unfortunately, things ended in a catastrophic anomaly that lead to loss of (non-human) payload and ...
Ownership in Rust, Part 2 When we looked at ownership in Rust last time, we looked at how Rust uses scope to determine when a resource/data in memory should be dropped or freed. We saw that for typ...
Ownership in Rust, Part 1 As a Rubyist, all that I know about memory allocation is that it’s handled by some process called garbage collection and that it’s Aaron Patterson’s problem, not mine. So,...
Captured NOAA-19's Downlink Satellite: NOAA-19 Latitude: 51.279° Longitude: 5.2855° Time: 2018-12-28T 14:51:41ZOn the left is the visual spectrum and on the right is infrared. The NOAA-19 sends bot...
Dare to be Good Enough—You'll be Happier for it The massive complexity of software systems can easily lead developers into analysis paralysis. In my new post on 8th Light's blog, I advise that we s...
Hexo Hexo, a play on hexa- as in the prefix for "having six", is a circuit that uses a 555 and CD4017 to randomly illuminate select one of six LEDs, similar to a die. By using a capacitor and trans...