Built a feature
Wrote a New API

Ah, C0nnect

My first attempt at an external API for another website and later on hosting key files to the Maze Launcher (see later in 2018). The API was horribly basic, didn't follow and REST formats, but was amazing to see working at 15 (I turned 16 later on that year). An example of how old and clunky that API was can be seen below this, a PHP snippet that had the job of returning a number of users with a group id.

$servername = "localhost";
$username = "";
$password = "";
$dbname = "";

$conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);

if ($conn->connect_error) {
    die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error);

/*$sql = "SELECT `member_group_id`, COUNT(*) AS `count`
FROM core_members
WHERE `member_group_id`=4";
$result0 = $conn->query($sql);

$row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result0);

echo $row; */

foreach($conn->query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM core_members WHERE member_group_id=4') as $row) {

echo $row['COUNT(*)'];


foreach($conn->query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM core_members WHERE FIND_IN_SET(4, mgroup_others)') as $row) {

$secondary = $row['COUNT(*)'];


$full = $primary + $secondary;

echo $full;


Basic for sure, but it got the job done (despite having the mysql credentials in every file).

Version Control for the Maze Launcher was pretty cool. A text file specified the newest version number and then I want to say the app prompted you to update to a newer version? It would then download it, and have you restart the app to get the newer version. It also had an announcement text file that the app would read and display.

Although defunct, C0nnect will always be in my heart as one of the many 'cool projects' I did in my younger teen years.

I put C0nnect onto my current domains to revive the site. It was a template, but a cool template nonetheless. https://c0nnect.tomr.dev/