Sep 2020 - Present
Tamar Marvin
- @trmarvin
- Scholar & rabbinical student making Judaism accessible and meaningful
- Los Angeles, CA
Jan 2020 - May 2020
Faculty, Wexner Foundation
Thank you to Mosaic Magazine for featuring my work!
I'm writing on Substack ✍️
I'm excited to join the iCenter as a fellow in the Master's Concentration in Israel Education! I'll be spending the coming year learning about how to facilitate often-contentious conversations abou...
Thrilled to join an exceptional cohort of women scholars dedicated to lining the shelves of the beit midrash with women's Torah writing.
Things I’ve built
Articles and blogs
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From Pri Etz Hadar to Etrog In my article for the Vatichtov women's Torah writing fellowship, I'm exploring the relationship between the Written Torah and the Oral Torah (the tradition handed down ...
"Jewish tradition goes out of its way—way out of its way—to emphasize Ruth’s less-than-stellar family background. It is therefore surprising that Boaz and Ruth the Moabite convert would merit to be...
I wrote an article for Hazon: The Jewish Lab for Sustainability reflecting on the Shmitta year, a year of rest for the land that happens every seven years on the Jewish calendar. [Read here.]
On Lost Arts Thoughts for Parashat Vayakhel (the weekly Torah portion) "The Torah’s insistence that we pay close attention to such details runs counter to Judaism’s aniconic bent, our anxiety about...