Reached 10K Followers
One month ago, I decided to get active on LinkedIn.

My soul goal was to share very good insights, strategies, methods, and thoughtful ideas.

I never realized that in just one month, people would be liking my content so much that the following will hit 10k which was around 7k a month ago.

That's an insane 40%+ growth in just a month's time.

If anyone wants to connect with me on LinkedIn, here is the link:

I also made some great new connections and truly grateful for those.

Thank you, everyone.

If you want to learn more about SaaS, startup, sales, marketing, growth, or angel investments that I make a daily post from Monday to Friday on such a topic that contains a lot of valuable insights that are derived from my own data points and various other sources.

I'm looking forward to connecting with more bright minds here on LinkedIn.