Vasyl Zubach
  • @vasyl_zubach
  • 🤖, Software Engineer, Mentor, Advisor
  • Sydney

Hi there 👋
My name is Vasyl Zubach. I'm a Sr. Software Engineer passioned about interfaces, user experience, and dev experience. Trying to improve every aspect of those through developing frontend components, plugins, improving performance and accessibility, exploring and developing tools to optimise devloop.

I currently live in Sydney, Australia and work at Atlassian (since November 2015).

Working on 2 secret project in my spare time:
- very own Design System
- an app for website integrity testing
(Soon I'll share news about them and will properly build in public)

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Nov 2015 - Present

Sr. Software Engineer, Atlassian

Sep 2015 - Oct 2015

Lead Frontend Developer, MacPaw