Outbound AI: PayerVA Claims Console

Designed an app
Researched customer needs
Collaborated With Others
Created product design principles
Assured quality of UX

As founding Designer and team lead, I designed the first production release version of the company’s successful web application, PayerVA Console.

Role: Lead UX Designer & Researcher

Skills Used:

Qualitative Research, UX Strategy, Cross-Functional Collaboration, Participatory Design Workshop Facilitation, Data Synthesis, Data Storytelling, Presentation Design, UI Design, Design QA, Usability Audit & Analysis

This healthcare claims billing-focused solution can reduce the time spent on the most tedious, repetitive call work for healthcare billers by 40-50% through automation of calls to health insurance providers, capturing and delivering necessary details for updating accounts and claim statuses.

This project afforded me great opportunity to refine my design hypothesis template and process for optimal cross-functional collaboration and alignment.

Through close collaboration with end users, cross-functional stakeholders, and industry subject matter experts, I hypothesized, validated and iterated upon design solutions to optimize usability for efficient task completion, maximize adoption rates and cultivate user delight, verified by countless positive sentiment expressions and other qualitative insights.

All of my efforts were embraced strategically and thoughtfully, working towards the company’s mission to improve the work experience for healthcare professionals.

Over the course of subsequent product iterations and enhancements, I engineered and implemented UX Debt and UX QA ticket formats and processes, providing visibility to known issues and user feedback to help prioritize work.

I also crafted and maintained a research questions library, user insights repository, a design version control system and digestible articles explaining UX principles and heuristics in order to evangelize and educate the organization on human-centered design.