Speaking engagements
A quick repeat of my web components talk at NDC Oslo, this time at our internal conference at Squeed. It's quite an honor to be up there among such incredibly talented collegues. Oh and it went ver...
First major conference talk In person, that is. The conference was NDC Oslo and it was very cool to be on the stage, and it seems my talk about web components was well received too! https://ndcoslo...
FrontendForum in Gothenburg had a special event hosted by Valtech and I was there to talk about setting up your own website with Eleventy and Netlify. A lot of fun to meet frontend devs in person a...
First international conference talk Today I delivered a session called Web components: an introduction to the future at the CodePaLOUsa conference. It is just that: an intro to what web components ...
I talked about Why variable fonts is the hottest thing since David Hasselhof's megahit True Survivor at the FrontendForum meetup. Good times! https://www.meetup.com/FrontendForum-Goteborg/events/27...