
Windows Insider MVP 2022 Windows Insider MVPs are experts in their fields with a passion for using Windows to make their ideas come to life. They inspire others by loving what they do and sharing t...
Windows Insider MVP 2021 Windows Insider MVPs are experts in their fields with a passion for using Windows to make their ideas come to life. They inspire others by loving what they do and sharing t...
Windows Insider MVP 2020 Windows Insider MVPs are experts in their fields with a passion for using Windows to make their ideas come to life. They inspire others by loving what they do and sharing t...
Windows Insider MVP 2019 Windows Insider MVPs are experts in their fields with a passion for using Windows to make their ideas come to life. They inspire others by loving what they do and sharing t...
Windows Insider MVP 2018 Windows Insider MVPs are experts in their fields with a passion for using Windows to make their ideas come to life. They inspire others by loving what they do and sharing t...
Windows Insider MVP 2017 Windows Insider MVPs are experts in their fields with a passion for using Windows to make their ideas come to life. They inspire others by loving what they do and sharing t...
Windows Insider MVP 2016 Windows Insider MVPs are experts in their fields with a passion for using Windows to make their ideas come to life. They inspire others by loving what they do and sharing t...
Microsoft MVP: Windows Experience Individuals are nominated for the Microsoft MVP Award by their peers or Microsoft employees, and each nominee's contributions are then compared to the other candid...