My Talks

Flipper: A Debugging Platform for Mobile Developers I gave a talk about Flipper debugging tool and how it can improve the productivity of Android developers at droidcon San Francisco 2022. Abraham ...
Talk - Improving Diversity in Software Teams in Pakistan I gave a talk on what challenges are faced by women in Pakistan in software teams, and what they can do about it and how as a society and co...
Panel - Future of Mobile Development I did a fireside chat about future of mobile development in Pakistan. The event, FutureFest, was one of the largest developers' conference held in capital city ...
Wajahat Karim finally came to love Android I did a podcast where shared my story of how I came to Android and how I loved it and wrote books on it and became a Google Developers Expert. What challe...
Talk - Wondering in Kotlin Multi-verse I gave a talk about Kotlin Multiplatform and how it differs from other cross-platform technologies and leverages the power of native Android and iOS developme...
Talk - Personal Branding for Developers I gave a talk about how to build a personal brand as a developer or student and why one should make. How it can bring opportunities and help someone grow fro...
Talk - Implementing MVVM Architecture in Android A basic hands-on approach on how to properly implement MVVM architecture in your android apps using Jetpack, View Model, LiveData and the new ViewBi...
Talk - Automating Android Apps with Github Actions I shared about how to automate Android apps, testing, generating APK, and delivering it on Diawi, Slack, AppCenter, and Firebase.
Talk - Becoming a Google Developer Expert (GDE) I did a panel discussion about how to build developer portfolio and shared my experience of becoming a GDE. Also discussed on how to become a GDE, an...
Talk - What's New in Android 11 I gave a talk about the new features and APIs in Android 11 at a local Android 11 Meetup organized by GDG Lahore.
Becoming a GDE - Oran University - Algeria I gave a talk to students of Oran University, Algeria about how to become a Google Developer Expert.
Codelab: The Art of Compose - 360|AnDev I gave a 1-hour talk on Jetpack Compose by following the official codelab first and then creating a demo UI screen of Gmail Android app live in the talk. The...
Builiding a Career in Android - Pakistan Virtual DSC Summit I gave a talk to all 41 selected DSCs of Pakistan and their core team members in the 2nd Pakistan DSC Summit (virtual) on how to build a ...
Talk - Compose ❤️ Dino: Building Chrome's T-Rex Game in Jetpack Compose In this session, I discussed the capabilities of Canvas API for Jetpack Compose and how can we implement Chrome's T-Rex Dino ...
Building & Maintaining Open Source Android Libraries I gave a talk about how to build and maintain Android open source libraries at Hacktoberfest Karachi event.
Talk - Jetpack Compose for Games & Animations I gave a talk at droidcon EMEA 2020 about building various kinds of animations in Jetpack Compose. I explained five different methods such as animateCo...
Talk - Compose ❤️️ Dino: Building Chrome's T-Rex Game in Jetpack Compose In this session, we'll take a look at the capabilities of Canvas API for Jetpack Compose and how can we implement Chrome's T...
Talk - Compose ❤️ Dino: Building Chrome’s T-Rex Game in Jetpack Compose Gave a talk about building Trex Dino game in Jetpack Compose at Devfest UK & Ireland 2020
Talk - Compose ❤️ Dino: Building Chrome’s T-Rex Game in Jetpack Compose Gave a talk about building Trex dino game in Jetpack Compose at GDG DevFest Karachi 2020
Android Study Jams by DSCs I spoke at Android Study Jams by DSC Habib University & DSC UIT Karachi about codelabs in Kotlin and Android development basics.
Talk - Games & Animations in Jetpack Compose I gave a talk at Kotlin Banglore about Jetpack Compose and showed different methods to create animations in Compose.
Talk - Jetpack Compose for Games & Animations In this session, we'll take a look at the capabilities of Canvas API for Jetpack Compose and how can we implement different kinds of animations with it...
Talk - Becoming a Google Developer Experts (GDE) Gave a talk about becoming a GDE at Pakistan Tech Summit 2020
Talk - Automating Android Apps with Github Actions I gave a talk about using Github Actions to add CI/CD for Android apps at DSC MUET Hyderabad.
Panel - Strategies for Learning the Tech Skills You Always Wanted I gave a talk about strategies to learn new skills. In this session, I shared my take on how I follow up with Android development a...
Talk - Android App Automation with Github Actions I gave a talk about integrating CI/CD through Github Actions in Android apps. I showcased various actions such as running Unit Tests, building APK,...
Talk - Jetpack Compose for Games & Animations I gave a talk about different methods to create animations in Jetpack Compose. Code: Slides: http://slide...
Talk - The Art of Jetpack Compose I gave a talk and did a live coding session to create a simple Book app UI for GDG Peshawar.
Talk - Jetpack Compose for Games and Animations I gave a talk about Jetpack Compose and Animations at Singapore Institute of Technology for their students studying Android development course. Code:...
Talk - Jetpack Compose for Games & Animations at Android Worldwide I gave a talk about Jetpack Compose animations APIs at Android Worldwide. Code: Slid...
Talk - How to become a Google Developers Expert I gave an informal session to a group of people through LinkedIn on a Google Meet about how to become a Google Developers Expert (GDE).
Talk - Kickstart with Kotlin I gave a talk at IO Extended for Students organized by 30+ GDSC chapters around the world about Kotlin.
Talk - Jetpack Compose for Games & Animations I gave a talk at IO Extended by GDG Kaula Lumper about Jetpack Compose and how we can create animations in it. Code:
Talk - Jetpack Compose for Games & Animations I gave a talk in Urdu language about Jetpack Compose Animations and Games at IO Extended organized by GDG Kolachi. Code:
Talk - Jetpack Compose for Games & Animations I gave a talk at World Festival - Mobile Week 2021 about Jetpack Compose and how to create animations in it. Code:
Talk - Becoming a GDE - Pakistan GDSC Summit 2021 I gave a talk about how and why to become a GDE to all the new GDSCs of Pakistan at the Pakistan GDSC Summit 2021.
Talk - Securing Job in Android Development I discussed how to land an Android development job, what kind of interview questions are asked, how to deliver a good case study etc.
Talk - Automating Android Apps with Github Actions I did a mentor session along with a short talk for all the participants of the Digital Hackfair 2.0 hackathon competition. I talked about how Gith...
Talk - Jetpack Compose for Games & Animations I gave a talk at droidcon Berlin 2021 about creating animations in Jetpack Compose. Video:
Live Coding Workshop to Create First Android App - Android Seekho I did a live coding workshop of 2 hours to create the first Android app in the Pakistan's Android Seekho program, which was organiz...
Talk - Android CI CD with Github Actions I gave a talk about automating Android apps build distributions through Github Actions at Android Pakistan Community weekly meetup. Video:
Judge & Mentor at Digitial Hackfair 2.0 - Bringing Technical Solutions to Empower Women I was the judge and mentor at Digital Hackfair 2.0 organized by Telenor and Google Developers to invite the y...
Workshop - Kotlin Basics and Building First Android App Conducted a full hands-on workshop on Kotlin Basics and then building first Android app. It was attended by about 30 students, and they creat...
Talk - Jetpack Compose for Games & Animations I gave a talk at droidcon Italy 2021 about Jetpack Compose and how to create Animations and a bit about games in Jetpack Compose. Code: https://github....
Talk - Jetpack Compose for Games & Animations I gave a talk at a local weekly meetup called as Android Community Pakistan through Google Meet about creating games and animations in Jetpack Compose....
Talk - Becoming a Google Developers Expert I gave a talk about what's the role of a GDE and how to become one at the launch ceremony of GDSC Chapter of Salim Habib University Karachi.
How to Become a GDE - Android Panel Discussion I was part of a panel of 4 different Android GDEs from around the world in the DevFest organized by GDG Live Pakistan. We discussed how to become a GD...
Talk - Kotlin Multiplatform - New Kid in Town I gave a talk about Kotlin Multiplatform and how it differs from other cross-platform technologies and leverages the power of native Android and iOS de...
Talk - Kotlin Multiplatform - New Kid in Town I gave a talk about Kotlin Multiplatform and how it differs from other cross-platform technologies and leverages the power of native Android and iOS de...
Talk - Becoming a Google Developers Expert I gave a talk about what's the role of a GDE and how to become one at the launch ceremony of GDSC Chapter of Usman Institute of Technology Karachi.