Judged a Hackathon
Mentored an Engineer

 Judge & Mentor at Coding Guru 3.0 Competition 

CodinGuru is IEEE LUMS’s coding competition. This year, from 30th-31st January 2021, CodinGuru 3.0 is all set to be bigger, brighter, and bolder than its predecessor. Continuing the legacy of the previous year, the delegates will be given the opportunity to prove their mettle through participation in any one of our various modules. Each module will have unique and intellectually stimulating problems tailored to the particular module genre.

I was invited as one of the judges of the AppGuru competion and was the mentor for any kind of help/advice students need during 24 hours of participation and developing app. 

There were more than 30 teams in the competition with about 13 projects submitted. Since the competition was online and was ongoing 24 hours of period, they had to develop an app about Life Under Water theme. 

After the competition, I along with others judged each submission individually, heard their pitches on Zoom through video calls and graded those. The one team was selected as winner.