
Pull-request to add Request and Response structs to HTTPoison, a popular HTTP client library.
Pull-request for a custom body-reader option to Plug. This makes implementing HTTP Signature Verification much easier.
Streamed adding overlay interaction with a website and chatbot for streamersongs.com. From now on I will be uploading completed streams to YouTube. Many hours of programming content lost because Tw...
I wrote a blog post to help introduce non-ruby programmers to the very basics of Elixir. Most intros to Elixir at the time were from "rubyist" perspectives since there is some syntax likeness and a...
I wrote a blog post that was first page on Hacker News for a day.
Rewrote the MACVendors API for increased performance and reliability while adding user accounts and rate limits.
Published an open-source library for working with NetSuite ecommerce platform API.
Transferred my popular hubspot-php open-source project to HubSpot for them to maintain.
Published a HTTP API client library for HubSpot.
Published a library for quickly turning markdown files into a blog or docs.
Published a library for easily adding spam protection into forms using Laravel and Blade.
Published a library for automating git subtree splits.
Published an MQTT client called exmqtt based on emqx/emqtt.
Published a twitch chat library called tmi.ex
Forked and published a widely-used but unmaintained UUID library and added UUID v6 support as well as Ecto Type support. Acts as a drop-in replacement for `elixir_uuid`. https://github.com/sevensho...
Volunteered with Mission Literacy in Motion to mentor young students who were interested in learning to code for a seven week program of CoderDojo workshops.
Text on Arrival Text on Arrival is the easiest way to implement curbside deliveries for your business.
Launched dispatchr.app with inital product feature: Smart Call Forward Intelligent call forwarding with unlimited schedules, multi-dial and fallback recipients.